12 December 2016:
used a flat black sticker folio for the floor covering. For the
patterns, I used a silicone drawer base, placed the folio over, applied
heat with a heat gun and pressed.
13 December 2016:
I made the raw seats from balsa.
14 December 2016:
prepared the legs of the seats from copper wire. I soldered small pins
at the bottoms, to go through the holes in the floor. This will prevent
the excess glue traces on the floor covering.

completed the seats with adding sculpted balsa sheets, dipped them in
cellulosic fill varnish twice to impregnate the balsa. Then I applied a
primer coat, glued in the legs. I drilled the mating holes in the floor
and made a test installation.
18 December 2016:
made the seat pipings by gluing threads around the edges. Then I
painted the seats.
filled the stepped gap in the roof by gluing a piece of styrene sheet
and made the front and rear parts of the roof same level.
22 December 2016:
painted the steps and the wheel arches body color.
seen side of the spare wheel had the bearing expose, which I shaved
off. I painted the wheel to aluminum base color and weathered the tyre
by sanding.
23 December 2016:
assembled the bottom of the vehicle, made some weathering and dusting.
I applied leaks at the tank, differential, oil sump and dampers.
24 December 2016:
fixed the floor covering and seats in place.
26 December 2016:
the rear wheels to the original. I drew and printed the wheel center,
cut as two layers of styrene. Since the kit's wheel center is conical,
it had to be flattened. I shaved the excess with Dremel. The center
part that I made will be glued on the flattened surface.
of the conical hubcap of the front wheels. First I shaped the tip of a
wooden rod. I made the female in another wooden piece with a drill. I
placed a piece of aluminum sheet between the male and female, and
shaped the aluminum sheet by turning the drill. I trimmed the edges of
the shaped part.
27 December 2016:
made the studs of the rear wheels from 0.5 mm pencil tip and inserted
them in place.
28 December 2016:
applying primer, I made the roof lining. I took a layer from a paper
napkin and spray-glued it on a sheet of paper, cut and made joining
lines with a toothpick.
29 December 2016:
dirtied the wheels and tyres a bit and put them in place.
01 January 2017:
applying primer, I realized that I had not manufactured the rear door
hinges. So I manufactured them from styrene and glued on the doors.
I also cut the single-piece frear window glass into two, mating the new
04 January 2017:
used the headlight lenses from my parts box. I made the reflectors by
forming aluminum sheet. I imitated the bulbs with a droplet of
UV-curing nail builder's gel. I glued the lenses to the reflectors and
then the whole, to the flat white painted front grille.
05 January 2017:
imitated the plush covering of the driver seat with a piece of wipe
cloth. I fixed the cloth to thin double sided tape and then to the
seat. I made the stretchers from a thread that I stripped from the
cloth. Then I dirtied a bit for used effect.
gear shift lever was too thick. I replaced the stem with a
plastic-headed pin.
printed the rug used as a mat on paper and glued it on the floor.
08 January 2017:
make the front grille cover (to prevent cold air entering the engine
bay), I traced the patterns from a photo, printed on paper and using
this as a template, I embossed the pattern on a 0.2 mm thick aluminum
painted the
cover maroon, applied matt clear and made a bir black wash. Then I
applied the "Çiçek Abbas" scripts which I traced from the actual photo.
Then I glued all together.
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