19 March 2000:
These are the headlamp
housings. The material was the cap of a ball-point pen. It was cut to
so that its
diameter would fit the reflector bezels.(They were taken from Jeep CJ-7
The inside was machined
with Dremel to take the reflectors. The outside was also rough-machined
with Dremel then fined with file and sandpaper. The support rod was
crafted with filing the cap extension. |
Holes were drilled
on the fenders to mount the housings. |
Positioning check
of the headlamps. |
This is how it looks
with the reflectors put on. |
23 March 2000:
painted the car
acrylic metallic purple with spray can. |
29 March 2000:Now
the hood hinge.
The hinge was made of paper clip wire. |
A pre-examination
of proper operation of hinges. Naturally, this was done while holding
body, firewall and the hinge all together in my hands.
that the
grille and the bulge on the cowl have been filled with putty and sanded
down. |
Two styrene sheets
were glued on the back of the firewall to serve as the base plates of
hinge. |
Hinge secured in
place with hot melt glue. When it is close to rigid cooled-down state,
the hinge is rotated so that the bond on the wire is broken. Now we
an operating hinge. |
Two styrene blocks
are prepared to take the hinge arms. They are first glued under the
very tenderly, with the hood in place on the car, so that they will be
in a good-fit condition. Then the hood was taken out and glued
strongly. |
And finally- the
operating hood hinge. |
