Started: 04 July 1999

Finished: 14 September 1999

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The front part of the tub was cut away and the Jeep's firewall was glued to the front of the tub.

The hood and the cowl sections were separated for proper opening detail of the hood.

The bottom of the tub had to be treated as a floorpan, since it would rest on the chassis.

Styrene sheets were used to fill over the gaps on the bottom side of the tub.

For the hood hinges, Detail Master hood hinges were used. On the left is a view of the hood, in the middle is an internal and on the right is an outer view of the A-post.

The body was painted in two shades of green. Acrylic paints were used.

11 September 1999:

The engine, chassis and drivetrain were constructed, and assembled. The tires were aged by rubbing with sandpaper. The engine was added ignition wiring from Detail Master.

The interior was applied sticker sheet of velvet flocking as green carpets. The seats were painted in rippled texture.

14 September 1999:
The windshield was glued, and the hood was put on the body with the cowl for checking purpose.

The dashboard was painted, with the gauges being hand-painted and assembled into place.

The hood hinges were assembled and their alignments checked. The cowl was then glued into place, taking care to make a good fit between the windshield and the hood.
