Mazda Savanna Custom

Scale: 1/24
Manufacturer: Tamiya
Kit No: 24066
Construction: Concept, with scratchbuilt parts

Started: 31 August 2006
Finished: 20 January 2007

31 August 2006:

This model originally is a motorized one and naturally  lacking in detail with its interiors. I decided to make some quick customizing job, and a slammer out of it.

Checking my parts box, I found the front custom end for the 49 Ford with twin headlights. I figured that I could embed the headlamps.

I cut out the places to embed the headlamps.

I cut the headlamp housings from the front end and aligned them on a non-drying putty. Then I applied glue and fixed them in place, and removed the putty.

02 September 2006:
Then I applied automotive steel putty to join the tips of the headlight housings with the end of the hood.

04 September 2006:
I sanded the headlamp area and tailored styrene pieces in front of the housings.

I treated the sides of the headlamp recess thus formed with putty and test-fitted the headlamps in place.

29 October 2006:
I carved the blocks to be the masters for the dies of the headlamp glasses, from balsa block.

I prepared a female die from a dentists' mold material, by using the balsa blocks. Then I made the males by filling the female mold with polyester putty, meanwhile inserting a screw while it cured. The screw served for the handle to push and form the heated acetate. At the right of the male, the formed and trimmed acetate is shown.

02 November 2006:
I formed and trimmed two acetate glasses for the headlamps.

13 January 2006:

The painting had many ill-fates. The car went to the hydraulic stripping bath a few times, and in the end, I managed to apply a custom made tone. I applied silver as the base, then Gunze's transparent green, and finally Gunze's transparent yellow as the final layer. However, due to former ill-paintjobs, the surface had lost its quality and the paint had the orange-peel effect.
I masked the body with parafilm to paint the rubber protectors.

14 January 2006:

The rear lamps were a bit tricky to paint. I applied BMF on the outside, where the clear parts are; and painted flat black. Then I stripped the BMF masks to reveal the clear lenses again. I painted the lenses on the inside with clear orange and red.

I applied BMF on the side and front signal lamps and painted over with clear orange. Then I installed the headlamp assemblies with Testors Clear Parts Cement.

For a better reflection, I covered the internal rear lamp area with BMF. I applied clear dark brown paint on the insides of the glasses to finish the slammer job...

And the finished photos... I am pleased with the color tone but not with the painting quality at all. After many ill-faiths during painting, the surface had an orange-peel effect that at last, I left it as it is... Anyhow, this was a exercising project for the headlamp area remanufacturing...