1931 Ford A - Woody

Scale : 1/25
Kit No: Revell 85/7637
Started: 12 January 2009
Finished: 28 February 2009

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12 January 2009:
This is the box.

13 January 2009:
I started with the front axle group. A big negative for the kit was that, all the suspension, drivetrain, steering and axle elements were molded in chrome, so I had to make lots of scrapings.
The tie and push rods were very weak and securing the joints as described in the manual was tricky and not reliable. So I built them from paper clip wire.

I secured the rod ends with droplets of CA glue.

14 January 2009:
After assembly, I painted the front and rear groups with flat black.

16 January 2009:
I drilled the holes for the circulation pump shaft that I intend to make from metal wire later.

17 January 2009:
Meanwhile, I cut the hole in the left fender and then glued the spare wheel housing in place.

For a trial, I painted the floor, weathered it with #2000 and some blackwash. Not bad, maybe I can work more on it later..

18 January 2009:
I assembled the engine, but when it came to installing the manifolds, I saw that the branches of the inlet and exhaust were different to fit on the block. So I cut the excess lengths from the exhaust manifold to make them even.

And this is the assembled engine so far. Note the circulation pump shaft that I cut from an aluminum wire for better realistic looks; as well as the spark plug wires between the distributor and the plugs.

The flywheel housing did not go through the engine mounting brackets, so I had to trim them off.

21 January 2009:
Both of the front door lower hinge pins were either broken or not moulded well, so I had to manufacture them. I drilled 0.5 mm holes in the hinge bodies.

I inserted a copper wire in proper length and fixed with CA glue at both lower sides.

24 January 2009:
Until now, the worst part of manufacturing are the wheels and tires. The tires had a central hump on the inside, which made an impossible-to-pass barrier for the wheel. It was also impossible to glue the two parts of the wheel from either side of the tires because applying pressure would break the tender wheels. So I had to trim off the central hump so that I could slide the wheel inside the tire after glueing the inner and outer parts. However, I still had a breaking disaster with both of the front wheels while pushing inside the tires.

25 January 2009:
Repairing the wheels, I managed to assemble the rolling chassis.

I glued the lower body which I had painted before, on the rolling chassis.

31 January 2009:
The dashboard had pushing pin marks on the face, so I applied putty. Then I engraved some wood texture with the back of #11 blade.

03 February 2009:
I painted the dashboard and applied some dark brown wash on the wood grains. Instead of applying decals, I painted the gauges and applied water droplet gel for a convex finish.

