Dino Ferrari  264 GT

Kit: Fujimi Enthusiast Model No:17
Date Started: 11 August 2007
.Date Finished: 04 November 2007
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October 06, 2007:
I installed the engine and boot covers with their hinges; but the hinges' openings did not prove to be well-engineered since they only opened fractionally...

I glued in the window clear.

I glued the turn signals in place, which proved to be tough job because I had joined the front lower panel with the upper body, which hampered easy access for good positioning.
Then I put BMF behind the lenses for better looks, but I could not press them strong enough due to inaccessibility; so I fixed the BMF with clear parts glue..

I painted the front grille black, and masked the periphery with Maskol beforehand.

I painted the roof lining and sun visors, then put BMF on the mirror and also glued it in place.

October 07, 2007:
Another disaster occured while handling the body.. The pin of the left side hinge broke. No chance to glue in such a delicate part, so I took the whole hinge off the bonnet and made a scratchbuilt one from aluminum wire. Then I glued the new hinge arm with CA glue.

After a couple of push-stretch-pull-insert-shift-push etc. operations, I put the chassis inside the body... Due to its nature, the wheels have to be put in after this chassis-body combination is made; or else the chassis will not go in the body..

November 01, 2007:
The headlamp lenses were cast wrong; i.e. they were cast symmetrically. Nothing to do about it.

November 03, 2007:
Placing the exhaust pipes, matching the male and females, ended up with some rotated looks from the neutral plane. The glue softened the mating region, and I rotated the tips to normal before it dried.

The exhaust  tips were joined to the parts tree at a bad point, where the signs of the cut were seen. Normally, the bottom part is more out of sight, so the tips should better be joined to the tree at just the opposite point. I retouched with chrome silver.

Fixing of the fhe front licence plate backing was also badly designed. Note the holes on the body and the males on the licence plate backing. If they mated, the plate would be facing almost to the road. No intermediate brackets were given with the kit. So I fixed the plate to the body with CA glue at the central top of the plate.

I made a  tube-mask from masking tape and painted the hub caps.
