09 September
Using the body
from the sedan model,
I cut it in scale. I re-scribed the shortened door panel lines and
the to-be-filled space on the side windows. I also cut the floor panel
to suitable length.

filled the rear of the side windows
with plastic sheet. I made a template for the rear panel. To depict the
stampings, I used two layers of styrene sheets glued on one another.

10 September
I made the
rubber lining of the rear
window from half-round styrene, and CA-glued the whole rear panel to

made the joining of the drip
channel at the rear. Puttying and sanding, the cab begins to take shape.

September 2010:
I trimmed on
the rear panel, the spaces
where the chassis members will pass. Then I closed the window openings
and sprayed a coat of primer for checks.

25 September
I cut the bed
panels from Evergreen metal
siding sheets. To depict the external and internal appearance, I cut
panels for inside and outside. I scraped the ribs where the external
would go.

joined the bed panels, then treated
the joints with putty and sanding.

29 September
I made the
sub-chassis of the bed from styrene strips and glued on the chassis.
30 September
For the
bench seat, I modified the back angle of the sedan's bench, added balsa
sheets for extra height and re-shaped the space for the shaft tunnel.
the model would be weathered, I painted the bed sides with stainless
steel paint. For the bed floor, I made use of aluminum
I painted the bed with rust shade,
then made some regional wipe with thinner to expose the metal.
the final paint, I locally covered the bed surface with wetted salt and
painted it black. After drying, I brushed the salt away to expose
partly rust and partly metal. I retouched some places with black
the doors were shorter than the 2-door sedan, the inner panels had to
be revised. I cut the panels to length, then made some re-sculpting
with polyester putty and sanding.
I made the fuel tank from balsa
sheets with a styrene sheet between depicting the seam.
01 October
I assembled
the chassis. I weathered
the exhaust piping with rust. I hang the pipe at its rear, with some
buckled wire (economic way of replacing rubber hanger!)

I made a frontal support construction
from styrene tubing. I used plasterboard reinforcing for the mesh.
painted the floor flat black, the bench seat semi-gloss black. I
printed a rug on paper and weathered it, then fixed it on the bench.
02 October
I glued the
wheels and the fuel tank in place. I manufactured the rear mudguards
from brass sheet.