I made the pedals
from wire and styrene pieces, and glued in place. I carved the steering
column from balsa, and made the signal and wiper arms from 0.35 mm wire
with CA glue droplets at the ends.
27 April 2009:
I manufactured
the armrests of the door insides from styrene pieces. I shaped the
of the front doors from soldering wire and fixed to styrene parts with
CA glue. Then I sanded the tops smooth.
A last look at
the inside before closure. I made the "sponge wraps" on the roll cage
masking tape, and the belts from computer printout.
I had previously
made the patterns and decals on the computer. I printed them and began
applying on the body. Since the inside was finished, I assembled it
the body.
29 April 2009:
I glued the engine
block and the radiator in place with epoxy glue.
painted the exhaust pipe and fixed
it in place with epoxy glue. I built the oil sump guard from brass
painted and fixed in place. Then I glued in the rear axle and
assembly, the front wheels and the axles.
01 May 2009:
I made the frontal
spotlights by press-forming lead sheet to a reflector and the lenses by
scribing stone guards on a piece of acetate sheet. I filled the
cones with Humbrol ClearFix and put the lenses in front.

formed the door handles from steel
pins and glued them in place with CA glue.

the grille, I used a piece of Detail
Master screen painted black. I glued the spotlights on the guard bars,
then the whole assembly on the front of the car with CA glue.
the solar film, I used automotive
mirror solar film and taped the film on a paper sheet, then put in a
printer to print "TURKEY". I fixed the film with water, just like in
cars. For the hood pins, I used Detail Master PE sets and did the
switch from styrene sheet.

manufactured other important items
in the engine bay and fixed them in place.

03 May 2009:
I made the rear
spotlight by press-forming lead sheet to a reflector and the lens from
my parts box. I filled the reflector cone with Humbrol ClearFix and put
the lens in front.
the antennas, I used 0.30 mm aluminum
wire and glued them in the holes I opened in the roof by CA glue.

used brass sheet for manufacturing
the mirror bodies.

formed the stems of the mirrors from
paper clip wire. I drilled holes on the back of the mirrors and put the
stems in, then filled the inside with CA glue; to fix the stems and to
form a surface for the mirror itself. Then I covered the whole with BMF.

fixed the mirrors on the body with
CA glue. I used Detail Master Photoetch set for the wipers.
