1962 BelAir Custom
Started: December 6, 2004
Finished: February 28, 2005

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January 25, 2005
I cut the upper part of the grille and glued it to the back of the lower part. This will serve as the rear edge, which will be a gide when filling with putty.
I trimmed the lower front of the fender to open up space for the bumper.
January 26, 2005
Some mass of putty goes to the required places....
January 28, 2005
I cut the rear bumper ends and glued the bumper to the body. It will be integral with the body when finished.
January 29, 2005
To blend the rear bumper with the body, I prepared styrene parts as shown.
Glueing and sanding, the bumper and the body are blended now.
January 30, 2005
And some more puttying and sanding....
A mockup with a temporary roof  to see how the body is progressing. 
I sanded down the front bumper and glued it in place.
To close the front lower corner gaps, I will use putty. To prevent sticking to grille frame, I applied Humbrol Maskol (purple).
Some more putty to be shaved later.