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A test fitting and seeing that all is going well.
The center console of the Viper had to be cut out, and added some styrene sheets as shown.
Now the engine lid contours were tailored with a cardboard.
16 August 2001:
The engine lid was built as shown.....
...and tested on the car.
18 August 2001:
The securing rod was bent from a paper clips wire and put into place. Note that it is bent into an S-shape, the smaller part preventing the rod to fall below the horizontal position.
For the internal paint scheme, I chose light violet with grey flocking at the doors. The floor is black carpet, made from self-sticking velvet sheet.
The dashboard and center console were painted in the same manner. The shift lever and handbrake were painted Satin Purple.
This is a general view of the internal elements.
And a better view of the passenger compartment. The seats were taken from Prowler, and painted Satin Purple, as well as the steering wheel.
The snap kit's rear lenses were cast in full red, so I had to go with them. The only refinement I could make was to shave the fitting boss out with the Dremel, so that the red "dot" on the lens would not be seen from the outside.
I applied BMF under the red lens, so it would be more reflective when hit by a light.