Kit: Revell 7344
Date Started: 07 November 2005
Date Finished:  15 November 2005

07 November 2005:
A simple but very roughly molded kit. I first joined the 3 main parts of the body and sanded the joints.

The headlamps were cast in plastic, supposed to be painted aluminium. Naturally not! After this photo was taken, I drilled holes in the cast headlamps to house the reflectors from my parts box.

This is a sample photo to show how badly the kit is molded. Almost every part is full of flashes like this.

08 November 2005:
The kit has two engine options, a VW and a Corvair, which I chose to install. I made the plug wire holes with the heated tip of a needle.

I drilled the plug wire holes on the shield above the engine block too.

The engine was fully cast in chrome, of which I made no use. I painted the whole engine in appropriate tones with the real one.

11 November 2005:
I painted the body with Gunze Clear Blue over Aluminium base. Definitely a lively and good tone! In fact, it is deep blue, even a bit purplish.

The windshield was cast in clear, together with the frame so I applied BMF to the frame.

12 November 2005:
The exhaust pipes are disgustingly molded. Shaving the flashes will reveal the red plastic. Some remedy is required.

 I assembled the engine and put in ignition wiring. Retouches will be made to the stripped paint due to too much handling!

13 November 2005:
The wheels were too badly cast also. The vent holes were mostly full of flashes, which I opened one by one.

And the tires! Rubber and two-piece! I stuck the pieces together with CA glue and weathered the treads with sanding. On the rightmost,  flash of rubber tire...

The rims were flashy too, and sanding them down revealed the red plastic, which would be seen. So I found a remedy by painting the rims to the body color...

 I manufactured tips for the exhaust pipes from styrene tubing, later covered them with BMF.

The dashboard was made of high-molded dials and numbers on the plastic, so I shaved them all and prepared this dashboard on the computer. I applied nail polish for the gauge glasses, the difference is seen from the reflections.

I assembled the rolling chassis. The roll bar and front bumper bar were also full of flashes and ejector pin marks, so I manufactured them from solder wires.

15 November 2005:
The final assembly. This kit was not much fun to build, but just an emptying of a box on the shelf. However, the tone of the color was a good practice, though I did not make any polishing after the paint. Below are the final photos...