April 2016:
painted the "decorative" patterns in the spaces on the front face of
the superstructure.
20 April 2016:
manufactured the toolbox. The casing is from balsa sheets, and the
cover plate from V-groove styrene sheet. I also made the door internal
linings in the same manner that I did for the cab back and roof
linings. I painted the door inners green and applied clear black glass
paint to give some darkening.
toolbox is finished.
made the transverse and longitudinal beams from balsa sheet and glued
them in place with CA glue.
21 April 2016:
of iron reinforcing cage around the superstructure. Since it would be
different color, I chose to make it separately and install after
painting. Taking utmost care for the glue not to contact the painted
superstructure, I formed the cage around from styrene strips.
Meanwhile, I glued the inner door linings in place, they are in the
The cage finished and removed from the
superstructure. I manufactured the ladder from wire and fixed with CA
22 April 2016:
I manufactured the front overhang of the
superstructure from balsa sheet. I made the iron guards from styrene
23 April 2016:
manufactured the front glass strip from styrene sheet, the glass from
clear styrene and the chrome central upright from chrome foil.
made the headlamp reflectors by forming 0.15 mm thick aluminum sheet. I
used LED-UV curing nail builder gel for the lenses. The bezels are from
0.8 mm dia. wire.
24 April 2016:
the turn signals on the mudguard, I made masters from styrene, took a
silicone mold and cast the clears from nail builder gel as above. I
painted the corner lamps clear orange. To give a feded effect, I
applied a coat of white glass paint to all, which ended up with a milky
shade. I prepared the bases from styrene strips.
glued the windshield in place. I prepared the scripts by printing on
chrome foil, then applied a matt clear cote. I glued in place the front
grille, headlamps and turn signals. The right corner signal is placed
above its normal place, as in the original vehicle. The front white
ones seem a bit taller than normal, I will check the dimensions and
rebuild if necessary.
I imitated the putty on the right mudguard with paint.
25 April 2016:
For the door handles, I used a 1 mm dia.
steel wire, filed it to square cross-section and shaped again with file.
The production of mirrors:
1- I cut a blank brass sheet
2- Bent the edges
3- Filled the corners with solder
4- Files the outside of corners to give a radius
5- Etched the corner insides with Dremel to form a uniform bent edge.
I cut the mirror blanks from styrene sheet, and formed the arms of the
mirror holder from 0.8 mm dia. wire by soldering.
mount the mirrors on the arms, I drilled pieces of styrene rods, passed
the arms through the holes, and fixed them on the mirrors with epoxy
glue. After curing, I fixed the mirrors in the correct angular position
with CA glue.
I painted the mirror assemblies, applied chrome foil on the styrene
backings and glued the mirrors in their housings.
28 April 2016:
the paintings around the superstructure, I copied them by framing of
the film and worked on them on the computer. Some were not printable in
good quality, so I drew them on the computer and made printouts, cut
and glued them around the superstructure.
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