April 2016:
prepared the decorative panel over the rear wheels from brass sheet. I
printed the patterns on sticky paper, put it on the brass sheet and
used Dremel engraver for the patterns.
The other side is now embossed.
I dirtied the bottom of superstructure a bit.
painted the iron cage around the superstructure, applied some light
rust effects and glued the whole in place. I prepared the face panel
supports of the front overhang from wood and glued in place.
I painted the rear decorations of the superstructure and glued the iron
cage as well.
I printed the "Al Yazmalim" panel and glued over the face panel.
made the rope hooks along the superstructure from steel pins. To
prevent shine, I burned them with flame and inserted through the holes
I opened in the sides. They still have a little shine under light, I
will try some blackening.
I prepared the chains for the rear lid and fixed in place with burned
and cut headed pins.
made the mud flaps from styrene sheet and painted. I prepared the
central pattern from red foil and stuck on. Then I applied matt clear
cote and airbrushed some little dust. I also prepared the chains for
the mud flaps and fixed in place.
The bottom view of the superstructure.
01 May 2016:
prepared the batteries from resin. I made the tie bar and rods, painted
and rusted and dusted with pigments. Then I glued them on the step
panel. The overflow, rusting and dusting effects are also
seen on
on the fuel tank.
made dust effects on the front grille with pigments. I prepared the
front and rear licence plates and applied aluminum duct tape at the
back. I directly glued the front on the bumper. I made hanging hooks
for the rear plate and fixed it free-to-sway on the plate
bar. I
applied dried mud effect on the back side of the rear plate. I also
installed the previosly made rear lights in place.
the plastic jerry can hanged between the cab rear and the
superstructure, I built one frm styrene sheets. To imitate some water
inside, I first painted the can white, then applied some yellowish
tone, and coated with translucent white glass paint.
02 May 2016:
prepared the hook for the jerry can and glued the whole on the front
surface of the superstructure. The jerry can is a bit tilted but the
"water" inside is horizontal...
made the support brackets for the overhang and glued them in place.
I made the VIN label and glued it in place.
I made the hood retainer handles from hot melt black plastic with a
glue-gun and fixed in place.
The finished photos are on the next page.
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