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Modified Extras

Started: 05 February 2006
Finished: 22 February 2006

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Just felt like going small a bit.. 
Non-military models in 1/72 are not available, so I chose a kit from Academy to convert into civil life, and decided to make a small diorama out of it.

05 February:
The first target were the solid cast headlamps. I drilled them out.
I removed the bars and grab handles from the body (center and right)
I applied BMF to the full front as in the right photo. Prior to painting, I filled the headlamps and turn signals with Maskol so that I would have a metal shine after the paint.
I scribed wooden plank separating lines.
Contrary to the instructions, I built the body separately from the chassis.
I sanded down the rifle casing cast behind the windshield frame. I protected the glass by masking tape.
07 February:
I painted the vahicle as in the photo. The flames are done by a brush, not an airbrush!
I positioned the front wheels to add a bit more life to the model and glued them in that position.
08 February:
Now what a silly model is this! The windshield frame stood like a movie screen in front of the driver! 

Definitely not acceptable so a remedy had to be done...

09 February:
I cut off a slice and glued the parts back. To determine the slice width, I viewed lots of WW2 era jeep photos.
I drilled out the handle on the gas tank with a 0.5 mm drill bit.
10 February:
Now a bit more scratchbuilding... The thing in the front is the kit-supplied shift lever (and supplied as only one...)

I built two levers from 0.3 mm steel wire and drop-painted the tips for the knobs.

The seat pillows were too small compared to the backrests, so I cut two cushions from styrene at a proper width.

I bent the roll-bar from paper clips and fixed with CA glue.

I made the licence plates on the computer. Also drybrushed the tires for driven effect.

I filled the headlamp reflectors with clear, and put two drops of transparent orange for the signal lamps.

The rest of this page are the photos of the finished vehicle.

On the next page, comes the Kübelwagen....