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Modified Extras

Started: 05 February 2006
Finished: 22 February 2006

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18 February:
I finished the fishing man, by carrying the fishing line backwards along the fishing pole and to the winding pulley.
Here is a closeup of the fishing pole. The winding pulley is cut from a toothpick and painted. The lever is a drop-paint of chrome silver.
19 February:
I did the pair of guys exercising some football. I cut off anything related with military and gave them civil clothes. All, including the ball, are fixed to the ground with a  0.30 mm wire going out from the bottom, with CA glue.
I made the rug, on which the plates etc. will be located,  by downloading a picture from somewhere on the web, processed it on the computer and printed on a single layer of toilet paper. The rug easily took all the contours of the ground.
I made the plates by punching out styrene sheet and pressing with the hollow tip of a ball-point pen.
21 February:
I built the barbecue from the stones of our aquarium, by glueing with CA. The wood for fire is chips cut from a toothpick and glued together by CA too.
22 February:
I put the rest of the figures on the diorama that I had been doing until now. The rifle in the hand of this ex-soldier became a steel lever, he is looking for some remedy in the engine compartment.
The only girl in the group is sitting on the jeep and looking to get a better vision about what's going on around the barbecue. This figure had her right hand missing, so I found such a solution that her wrist touched the roll-bar. I filled the gap with CA glue and painted the dried CA with tan, depicting that she had grabbed the bar.
Two guys are near the barbecue, one holding the grill in his hands and the other preparing a lighter for the fire.
I manufactured a water bottle from clear sprue and painted the markings on it.
A better view to see the fisherman and his fishing pole under tension.
Now going to more general views of the diorama. Small accessories will be added later, as they are made..