The front grille was foil-copied. the galvanized steel sheet is to reinforce the resin.
The propeller guard was made from styrene sheet  and hub reduction casings were also done with resin casting.
Now the chassis. The development was carefully drawn on styrene sheet and cut out. (Main parts shown here)
The main frame was assembled with glueing. Now things are beginning to take shape.
The front body panels have bolts and traces on them. To copy them on styrene sheet, I found this solution: To cut the panel from styrene, then foil-copy the embossings, and glue the foil on styrene. Here the foil copying is shown.
And this is with the foil glued on styrene. The wrinkles on the upper part are no problem, since they will be disguised with the hydraulic cylinder bracket. The other wrinkles, I left them intentionally because the dozers were not brand new. They would facilitate weathering effects.
The tanks were done with styrene sheet, too. 
And here is the chassis assembled more. The mudguards are from styrene, their brackets and rear panel flange are cast putty. Foil copying of panel embossings are done on central side panels and upper rear panel, too.
The two bodies are side by side now. Installation will continue as as parts become ready.
The rollers were painted and grouped between the track carrier arms.
The twins are majorly done with the bodies.
The blade arms were manufactured from styrene, with the pivoting head resin-copied. The pivot pin was a brass rod embedded in the resin head.
The blade was resin-copied by making a mold from aluminium foil. For strength and preventing warping, a galvanized steel sheet metal was embedded in the resin. 
The blade's backing plate and pivoting brackets were made from styrene, rods from brass tubing and the head parts of rods by resin-copying.
April 25,2004: Restart after a 3-years' break:

I resin-copied the seat with a 5-minute silicon mold.

I manufactured the seat body from styrene sheets. The one on the left is the original.