Original Kit: Tamiya 24085 Eunos Roadster
Started: September 18, 2005
Finished: October 02, 2005

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October 01 , 2005
I applied BMF on the side markers, front and rear. 
I also applied BMF to the rear lamps to act as reflectors. I painted the side markers clear orange at the front and clear red at the rear.
I assembled the chassis.
I put grey flocking on top of the dashboard.
This is an unientional but nice paint effect. A cold matt black spray can, without rattling, gave this texture (color is offset in the photo, it is still black!
I separated the full glass to use the front and rear as individual glasses.
I inserted a pair of woofers, they are from real earphones...
I prepared the front grille from a grille-top oil trap. Then I glued the front reflectors and headlight lenses that I had trimmed out from the PT Cruiser.
I applied grey flocking to the seat centers.
I also gave the door tops some flocking, and the interior is finished.
October 02 , 2005
The model is finished. 
 Clicking on the photos below will open a bigger one.