New Mini GT
Original Kit: Revell 7383
Date Started: 13 June 2005
Date Finished: 31 July 2005
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30 July 2005:
Since the VW windshield was longer than the Mini's original, the Mini wiper arms remained too short to sweep the windshield. So I took the VW arms from my parts box, but this time, the left one had to be pivoted close to the left side as shown. I closed and retouched the original pivot opening.
The tie rod of the steering did not seem to snap tightly around the pin, so I glued a piece of styrene to guarantee that it would not come loose in the future.
31 July 2005:
And the happy end... The Mini GT scripts were prepared on the computer, printed and applied 6 clear coats. The rear wiper arm is the Mini's original front one.

A "behind the scene" note:
The doors were almost a fiasco, as I put the body on top of the inner and chassis. The doors refused to stay in place, protruding about 1 mm outwards at their rears. So I had to shave and thin the plastic of the doors while in place, to make them fit. I also had to dismantle the dashboard and shave off some plastic from the dashboard sides, to prevent clashing with the door inners. Then I painted the treated areas carefully.

Even if many fitting tests are made, such problems may arise occasionally! 

This was a joyful challenge to build....