The First Mass-production Car of Turkey

Scale : 1/24
Started: 16 August 2008
Finished: 24 March 2010

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01 February 2010:
I began manufacturing the seats. I took suitable pieces from my parts box. For the front seat, I used half round strips for the seat pattern. The photo shows the first one glued in place. I made the bottom part for the rear seat from styrene sheet.

02 February 2010:
I continued the pattern for the front seat and added a thickening part at its rear. I filled the bottom and back sides of the rear seat with polyester putty, and added a rounding part at the very top. I began making the seat pattern the same way as the front seats.

05 February 2010:
For the shift lever boot, I made a mold. I used a headed pin for the lever, and made the boot by melting E-Z Water (from Micro-Mark) in the mold. To provide easy entry for the pin, I inserted a pin from the backside of the mold so the boot would be cast with a hole inside. The lever and boot assembly is shown inserted to the left of the boot mold.

06 February 2010:
For the steering wheel shaft and the signal switch, I made a master from balsa and wires, then made a 2-piece mold. For production, I located the wires in the mold, then applied marble glue at the center and closed the molds. The molded part is shown at the very right, nearby the master. 

07 February 2010:
For the steering wheel, I made a master from wire and made a 2-piece silicone mold. In the middle photo, the female and male molds and the raw output is shown. At the rightmost is the steering wheel with rough cleaning of the flashings.

 For the front bumper, I shaped an old cutter to the bumper profile and scraped a plastic strip over and over till I reached the normal profile.

 Then I shaped the bumper by heating, sanded the ends, made the bumper horns from plastic and glued them on the bumper. I made the bumper brackets from wire and fixed them with CA glue. I will make a mold from this master.

25 February 2010:
For the windshield and rear glass parts from acetate, I made a male mold from galvanized steel sheet and fixed it on a Lego block. I held the acetate sheet between two frames and heated vith a heat gun. After softening, I pressed the assembly over the mold and shaped the acetate sheet.

At the left is the formed acetate sheet, at the right is the trimmed part.

04 March 2010:
To check the assembly steps, I began to build the model of my Anadol that I once owned. The chassis is done as below:

I painted the body as by then. I installed the inner side panels, the dashboard and the glasses.

A look at the dashboard from outside

The seats had covers made from sheep hide. I used some dustcloth and covered the seats to depict the original.

24 March 2010:
Photos of the finished model. The red band needs some retouch.
