The Lynx ProjectLincoln-Mercury’s Lost Dream Car


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06 January 2016:

I installed the LED sockets and painted the background of grille areas flat black.

07 January 2016:

I soldered the wires to LEDs and applied black glue gun glue behind the LEDs to prevent backlighting.

I installed the photoetched grilles and headlight lenses (my clear castings) and applied a black wash between the panels.

Now an electrical disaster... The front LEDs did not light due to current inequalities between red and white LEDs. Tried to introduce some resistance to red ones but no chance. So I put a second battery and made two individual circuits for the front and rear LEDs. I also changed the switch to two-in-one so it serves both circuits.

 Front lights in operation. Looks blue but white actually.

Some photos in dark to see the lighting.

I installed the cable/hose hinged tray.

09 January 2016:

I printed the command panels and prepared the control sticks, warning lights and switches. I used headed pins. I made a die for the rubber bellows of the sticks and made them by injecting black hot melt glue. For the warning lights, I painted the pin tips with clear red-yellow-green. The knobs of the sticks are painted black with clear coat for the shine. Then I inserted the pins in place after cutting off sufficiently.

10 January 2016:

I prepared the pedals from styrene sheet covered with aluminum, and glued pins for inserting in the base. I made some blackwashing on the base and pedals.

For the cable bundles inside the console, I made a die from silicone putty and cast black hot melt glue, then trimmed.

The cable bundles inside the console. I took the steering wheel from my parts box.

I glued the console on the base. Meanwhile, I made preparation for the cable bundles of the ladder tray by removing the copper cores of a telephone cable.

I glued the transfer tray between the ladder tray and the mechanical compartment.

I fixed the bundles inside the ladder tray with CA glue and activator.

11 January 2016:

I installed the cable ladder tray. I glued the ends, ending nowhere under the command console base and the mechanical compartment.

A 3/4 front view.

14 January 2016:

I cut the anti-slip floor sheeting from Schulcz styrene sheet. The cutouts are for the roller assemblies.

Lynx - index