Mazda Miata Custom (Miata+Ferrari)

Kit No.
Concept, with scratchbuilt parts

Started: 09 September 2006
Finished: 26 October 2006

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This model was selected as a theme build base model. The theme rule was to use the body and chassis but free to modify...
The parts are displayed as an initial proof that the kit was not started before the theme start.
09 September 2006:
I marked the door cutout on a masking tape.
For the headlamps, I figured that Ferrari 360 Modena's lines were in harmony with the Miata, so I first made a silicon putty mold and duplicated the bulgy side of the hood. I cast a quick CA glue copy and checked.. Yes, it would go. 
Then I cast a resin copy of the hood side, by impregnating a tissue paper inside the resin. This not only reinforces the resin, but holds the resin from flowing down the inclined sides when still liquid.
14 September 2006:
I trimmed the cast fender and marked where it would fit on the body. Then I cut the body roughly with my Dremel.
With trial and error filing and sanding, I fitted the fender in the body and fixed with CA glue.
15 September 2006:
I did the same to the other fender and then opened the headlamp recesses with my Dremel.
I cut the door openings. There will be no doors, these are "jump-in" areas...
17 September 2006:
The rear bumper was too much protruding out, so I cut it off to make it flush with the rear panel.
I fixed the rear bumper in place.
Since the chassis mounting brackets were inside the rear bumper and now they were also transferred frontwise, I reshaped them so the brackets would not clash with the chassis.
26 September 2006:
I resin-copied the headlamp clusters of the Modena.
Putting the clusters on the boot, I figured that they could be embedded for the rear lamps...
27 September 2006:
I cut the openings for the rear lamps and I did not like the mismatching of the lamp body and the bootlid.
I cut a slab off from the rear and dropped the edge of the boot to match the contour of the rear lamps.
06 October 2006:
I applied polyester putty to the rear and rough-sanded the lamp joints to a flush fit.
I temporarily installed the headlamps and made retouches to flush-fit the glasses. These are Modena kit's glasses, I will duplicate them too...
I liked the way New Mini's front grille looks in the front. I cut out the front part to accept the grille. This is a temporary fit.