The "New Microbus"  from the New Beetle

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09 August 2000:
The rear part of the floor was covered with tailor-fit styrene sheet.

A dear friend, Christopher Olson, suggested that the bottom of the windshield should be raised by about 3 mm. Well, he was right in his vision, so the next thing I did was to do the task as shown.
The piece between the windhield and the dashboard was cut from styrene and glued in place by test-fitting.
Making the extended roof restricted the opening of the rear lid as shown (right). 

REMEDY? A recess was cut as shown below, filled with styrene sheet and sanded to shape as shown in the lower and lower right pictures.


Now the rear lid opens properly!!!
 The insides of the A-post were covered with polyester putty and the brass wires got out of vision.
20 September 2000:
The body was painted white as base, then red applied over it. I used acrylic spray cans for the paint, and one coat of clear for better shine.
 The VW emblem was cut from cardboard and painted red separately. It was then stuck on the hood.

The 4 seats were treated with light gray flocking (front two are shown assembled here). The floor was done with self-sticking black velvet sheet. The dashboard and center console were painted silk black. The lower internal panels of the doors and rear body received the same light gray flocking, too. The inside roof was done with light gray matt paint.
24 September 2000:
The windshield was cut from acetate sheet and given permanent shape by hand.
.....and applied on the car for test-fitting. The rest of the windows were cut from acetate as well and stuck on the body with dots of superglue and Humbrol's Clearfix.

29 September 2000:
For the rear lamps, I used the Beetle's originals, with aluminum foil on the rear to give it a shine. 

For the inside, a styrene piece cut from the old firewall of the internal tub was used. Another piece of styrene served as the bulge to house the rear wiper motor.
05 October 2000:
...and the whole inside painted to light gray.
For the emblem on the rear door, I would use the original Beetle emblem of the kit, but it was too thick and had a conical section to fit in the embossing on the hood. So it was no good and I foil-copied one and painted its base flat black.
.....and finally, placed it on the rear door.